State Guide of Medical Record Fees

The Omnibus Rule, effective 9/23/2013, "allows for the identification of labor costs for copying protected health information (PHI), whether in paper or electronic form, which can include a reasonable cost-based fee for time spent creating and copying the file". The laws for copying medical records vary from state to state based on the statute passed by each state's legislation. Below are the current fees for each state.



Medical Record Copy Fees
Medical Record Copy Fees

Per Section 12-21-6.1 Alabama Code Reproduction

Search Fee: $5.00
Pages 1 - 25: $1.00 per page
Pages 26+: $0.50 per page
X-rays / Other Media: Actual cost of reproduction


Statute 12-2295

A reasonable fee may be charged


ACA Sect. 16-46-106

Electronic Storage:
Flat Fee: $75.00

Paper Storage:
Search Fee: $25.00
Pages 1-25: $0.50 per page
Pages 26+: $0.25 per page
No Records Fee: $25.00
• Labor/Search Fee: $25.00


6CCR 1011-1 Chapter 2 Part

Search Fee: $18.53 flat fee (first ten pages)
Pages 11-40: $0.85 per page
Pages 41+: $0.57 per page
Microfilm: $1.50 per page


CT Gen Stat 19a-490b

Pages 1+: $0.65 per page


19 Del.C. 2322B(m)

Pages 1 - 10: $2.00 per page
Pages 11 - 20: $1.00 per page
Pages 21 - 60: $0.90 per page
Pages 61+: $0.50 per page
Microfilm and other media: Actual cost of reproduction

Delaware Administrative Code, Title 24: Chapter 1700, Sections 16 and 29

Worker's Comp:
Search Fee: $25.00
Pages 1 - 20: $1.25 per page
Pages 21 - 60: $0.90 per page
Pages 61+: $0.30 per page

District of Columbia

D.C. Act 24-728

$22.88 Search/Retrieval Fee
$0.66/pg for records produced in electronic format
$86.54 Max fee for records produced in electronic format
$0.88/pg of records produced in non-electronic format



Statute 395.3025 (1)

Search Fee: $1.00 (per year per request)
Pages 1+: $1.00 per page
Microfilm: $2.00 per page

Worker's Comp:
Pages 1+: $0.50 per page


Search Fee: $25.88
Pages 1 - 20: $0.97 per page
Pages 21 - 100: $ 0.83 per page
Pages 101+: $0.66 per page
Certification Fee: $9.70

O.C.G.A. 31-33-3

Worker’s Comp:
Search Fee: $30.00 flat fee (first 150 pages)
Pages 151+: $0.20 per page

State Board of Workers Compensation


A reasonable fee may be charged

Hawaii Revised Statute Section 622-57(g)


Search Fee: $33.60
Pages 1 - 25: $1.26 per page
Pages 26 - 50: $0.84 per page
Pages 50+: $0.42 per page
Microfilm or other media: $2.10 per page

Code of Civil Procedure 735 ILCS 5/8-2001(d) and (h)


Search Fee: $20.00 flat fee (first 10 pages)
Pages 11 - 50: $0.50 per page
Pages 51+: $0.25 per page
Affidavit/Certification: $20.00

760 IAC 1-71-3(a)


A reasonable fee may be charged

Iowa Code Section 622.10

Worker's Comp:
Search Fee: $20.00 flat fee (first 20 pages)
Pages 21 - 30: $1.00 per page
Pages 31 - 100: $0.50 per page
Pages 101 - 200: $0.25 per page
Pages 200+: $0.10

§ 876.8.9


A reasonable fee may be charged

K.S.A. 65-4971(b)

Worker's Comp:
Flat Fee Pages 1 - 10: $16.00
Flat Fee Pages 11-50: $12.00 ($28.00 total)
Pages 51+: $0.35 per page
Xrays: $5.00 per image

2019 Schedule of Medical Fees - page 378


The first copy of records is FREE to the patient (per dates of service requested)
The second copy of records requested by the same patient for the same dates of service: $1.00 per page

Statute KRS 422.317

Worker's Comp:
Pages 1+: $0.50 per page

803 KAR 25:160


Search Fee: $25.00
Pages 1 - 25: $1.00 per page
Pages 26 - 350: $0.50 per page
Pages 351+: $0.25 per page
Max Fee for Electronic Records: $100.00 per request

$20.00 flat fee (for hospitals) + reasonable production costs
$10.00 flat fee (for all other healthcare providers) + reasonable production costs

RS 40:1165.1


Paper Records
Search Fee: $5.00 (includes the first page)
Pages 2+: $0.45 per page
Max Fee: $250.00

Electronic Records
A reasonable fee may be charged
Max Fee: $150.00 per request

Statute Title 22 Part 4 Chapter 401 Section 1711-A


Paper Records:
Search/Retrieval Fee: $22.88

Electronic Records:
75% of paper per page fee = $0.59/page
Max 'per page' fee: $80.00
Search/Retrieval Fee: $22.88

Statute 4-304


Pages 1 - 100 at $0.95 per page
Pages 100+ at $0.49 per page
Search/Retrieval Fee: $28.38
Social Security: No charge for a request to support a claim under the Social Security Act. Must provide proper documentation

Title XVI, Ch III, Section 70


Search/Retrieval Fee: $28.92
Pages 1 - 20 at $1.45 per page
Pages 21 - 50 at $0.72 per page
Pages 51+ at $0.29 per page

Public Act 47 of 2004. MCL 333.26269


Search Fee: $21.88
Pages 1+: $1.64 per page
X-rays: $10 Search Fee + the actual per-page cost of reproduction

Statute 144.292

Worker's Comp:
HF2988 Lines 16.5-16.27

MN Rules 5219.03


Search Fee: $20.00 Flat Fee (first 20 pages)
Pages 21 - 100: $1.00 per page
Pages 101+: $0.50 per page
Search/Storage Fee: $15.00 (only charged if records are retrieved from an off-site location)
Certification Fee: $25.00

Section 11-1-52, Mississippi Code of 1972

Worker's Comp:
Pages 1 - 5: $15.00 (per admission)
Pages 6+: $0.50 per page (per admission, in addition to the above $15 fee)
Max Fee: $50.00 per admission (excluding postage/handling and retrieval charges)

MS Worker's Comp


Paper Records:
Search Fee: $28.57
Pages 1+: $0.66 per page
Storage Fee: $26.75 (only charged if records are retrieved from an off-site location)
Max Fee for electronic records: $125.20

Section 191.227.5


Search Fee: $15.00
Pages 1+: $0.50 per page

Montana Code Annotated 50-16-540


Search Fee: $20.00
Pages: 1+: $0.50 per page
X-rays and other media: Actual cost of reproduction

Statute 71-8404


Pages 1+: $0.60 per page (or $40 max, whichever is less), with a $5 minimum
X-rays and other media: Reasonable fees may be charged

NRS 629.061

New Hampshire

Charges are based on which is greater:
$15 flat fee for first 30 pages or $0.50 per page
X-rays and other media: Reasonable fees may be charged

Title XXX Occupations and Professions Chapter 332-I Medical Records
CITE: New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annoted Index |

New Jersey

Hospitals (Attorneys representing patients, Insurance, Subpoenas):
Search Fee: $10.00
Pages 1 - 100: $1.00 per page
Pages 101+: $0.25 per page
Max Fee: $200.00 per admission

Clinic (Attorneys representing patients, Insurance, Subpoenas):
Search Fee: $10.00
Pages 1+: $1.00 per page
Max Fee: $100.00 per admission

N.J.A.C. 8:43G-15.3, N.J.A.C. 13:35-6.5

New Mexico

Pages 1 - 15: $30.00 flat fee
Pages 16+: $0.25 per page
X-rays and other media: Actual cost of reproduction


Workers Comp Pages 1-10 $1.00
Workers Comp Pages 10+: $0.20 per page

N.M. Code R. §

New York

Pages 1+: $0.75 per page
X-rays and other media: Actual cost of reproduction

Title 2: Section 17

North Carolina

Pages 1 - 25: $0.75 per page
Pages 26 - 100: $0.50 per page
Pages 100+: $0.25 per page
Minimum charge: $10.00

Statute 90-411

North Dakaota

Paper Records:
Search Fee: $20.00 (includes pages 1-25)
Pages 26+: $0.75 per page

Electronic Records:
Search Fee: $30.00 (includes pages 1-25)
Pages 26+: $0.25 per page

ND Cent Code Section 23-12-14


Search Fee: $22.33
Pages 1 - 10: $1.47 per page
Pages 11 - 50: $0.76 per page
Pages 51+: $0.30 per page
X-rays, MRI, CAT Scan (recorded on paper or film): Search Fee + $2.38 per page

Ohio Revised Code Section 3701.742


Pages 1+ at $0.50 per page
For records stored and produced in digital format: Pages 1+ at $0.30 per page
Search/Retrieval Fee: $20.00
Maximum Fee: $200.00

Statute 76 Oklahoma Statute Section 19


Search Fee: $30.00 (includes pages 1-10)
Pages 11-50: $0.50 per page
Pages 51+: $0.25 per page
X-rays and other media: Actual cost of reproduction

OAR 847-012-0000

ORS 192.563


Pages 1 - 20 at $1.83 per page
Pages 21 - 60 at $1.36 per page
Pages 61+ at $0.47 per page
Microfilm copies at $2.70
Search/Retrieval Fee: $27.14

(A Search/Retrieval Fee cannot be charged if the requestor is requesting their own personal health record)
For ""Flat Fees"" providers may not charge the above search and retrieval fee in addition to a flat fee.

Microfilm: $25.20 plus $2.70 per page

District Attorney Requests:

$27.14 Flat Fee

SSA Requests:

$34.40 Flat Fee

42 Pa.C.S. §§ 6152, 6152.1, and 6155

Rhode Island

Pages 1 - 10: $2.50 per page
Pages 10 - 50: $0.75 per page
Pages 51+: $0.50 per page

R5-37- MD/DO Section 11.2

South Carolina

State rate for paper requests:
Pages 1 - 30 at $0.83 per page
Pages 31+ at $0.63 per page
$256.58 Maximum Fee Per Encounter (per admission to the health care facility)
Search/Retrieval Fee: $32.06
If no records are found, a $25.00 maximum clerical fee may be charged

State Electronic Delivery Rate:
Pages 1 - 30 at $0.83 per page
Pages 31+ at $0.63 per page
$192.44 Maximum Fee
Search/Retrieval Fee: $32.06
If no records are found, a $25.00 maximum clerical fee may be charged

S.C. Code Ann. § 44-115-80

South Dakota

Paper records: $10.00 flat fee (Pages 1-10)

Pages 11+ $0.33 per page

Electronic records: $0.25 per page

Printed copy of an x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging, computerized tomography scan, or any other form of medical imaging: $10.00

Compact disc, digital video disc, or other transportable electronic media of an x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging, computerized tomography scan, or any other form of medical imaging: $15.00

Including the cost of postage or shipping, together with any applicable tax.

Search/Retrieval Fee: $18.00

Certification Fee: $10.00

South Dakota Codified Law/SDCL § 36-2-16.4 through 36-2-16.5 - Effective: July 1, 2023.

Certification fee: South Dakota Codified Law/SDCL § 36-2-16.6 - Effective: July 1, 2023.


Search Fee: $18.00 (includes pages 1 - 5)
Pages 6 - 50: $0.85 per page
Pages 51 - 250: $0.60 per page
Pages 251+: $0.35 per page

TCA 68-11-304

Search Fee: $20.00 (includes pages 1 - 5)
Pages 6+: $0.50 per page

TCA 63-2-102


For Hospitals
Pages 1 - 10 (Flat Fee of $52.12 which includes a Search/Retrieval Fee)
Pages 11 - 60 at $1.76 per page
Pages 61 - 400 at $0.86 per page
Pages 401+ at $0.47 per page
Notarized Records/Affidavits $7.00

For Hospitals Electronic Delivery -
Pages 1 - 24 at $1.76 per page
Pages 25+: Non-billable
Search/Retrieval Fee: $52.12
Notarized Records/Affidavits $7.00

TX Health & Safety Code §241.154

Search Fee: $25.00 (includes pages 1 - 500)
Pages 500+: Flat Fee of $25.00 ($50.00 total)

22 Tex. Admin. Code § 165.2


Search Fee: $30.00
Pages 1 - 40: $0.53 per page
Pages 41+: $0.32 per page

Max Fee: $150.00

Electronic Records Provided in an Electronic Medium:
50% of the per-page charge for paper copies:

Pages 1 - 40: $0.27 per page
Pages 41+: $0.16 per page


Additional Resource


A fee of $5 or no more than $0.50 per page, whichever is greater

Social Security: No charge for any request made under the provision of the Social Security Act

Title 18 Chapter 221 Section 9419


Electronic Records:
Search Fee: $20.00
Pages 1 - 50: $0.37 per page
Pages 51+: $0.18 per page
Max Fee: $160.00

Paper Records:
Search Fee: $20.00
Pages 1 - 50: $0.50 per page
Pages 51+: $0.25 per page
Max Fee: $160.00

Microfilm and other media:
Search Fee: $20.00
Pages 1+: $1.00 per page



Search Fee: $28.00
Pages 1 - 30: $1.24 per page
Pages 31+: $0.94 per page

WAC 246-08-400

West Virginia

Search Fee: $20.00
Pages 1+ (paper records): $0.49 per page
Pages 1+ (electronic records): $0.20 per page
Max Fee (electronic records): $150



Paper Records:
Pages 1 - 25 at $1.35 per page
Pages 26 - 50 at $1.01 per page
Pages 51 - 100 at $0.66 per page
Pages 101+ at $0.39 per page

146.83 (3f)(c)2

Worker's Comp
Flat Fee (Electronic): $26.00
Search Fee (Paper): $7.50 (includes pages 1-16)
Pages 17+ (Paper): $0.45 per page

Wis WC 102.13(2)(b)


A reasonable fee may be charged

Title 35, Chapter 2, Article 6, Section 35-2-611(b)
CITE: Justia US Law |